
Scientific Research Studies

There are thousands of stories on www.EFTUniverse.com written by people who have recovered from a wide variety of physical and psychological challenges using EFT.  While such anecdotal evidence is valuable in pointing to what EFT can do, rigorous scientific research has been required in order to establish EFT as an “evidence-based” method that can be used with confidence by medical and psychological professionals in primary care. 

The EFT research pages, at the link below, summarize the many studies of EFT published in peer-reviewed professional journals.  They begin with an overview of the APA (American Psychological Association) definition of “empirically validated treatments”, then describe how EFT meets those criteria, and finally they organize published abstracts into Outcome Studies, Clinical Reports, Mechanisms Papers, and Review Articles.

CLICK HERE for Outcome Studies on Anxiety, Athletic Performance, Depression, Pain and Physical Symptoms, Phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Weight Loss and Cravings.

Note:  For the thousands of anecdotal stories on EFT Universe, CLICK HERE and then click on any of the issues listed.